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attachements screen

A. Attachment type tabs

B. Click on Upload & Add button to select multiple files to add to the proposal.

add button

Upload and Add Bulk Proposal Attachments

a.  Browse to locate the folder with your target attachment files

b.  Use the appropriate multi-click option for your computer (ex. Ctrl-click for PC vs Command-click for Mac) or click and drag to select the files.

c.  Click the open button to begin the upload process. (‘uploading…’ appears beside the button until all the files have been added. This process can take a few moments when a large group is selected.)




attachment screen detail

The files are saved to Attachments and must now be maintained with Type and Status selections.

A. Proposal Tab 

B. Attachment properties:

  1. Click on the down-arrow in the Type(Required) field to see the available options; select a value for this file.
  2. The Status(Required) field can be set by using the Set All Statuses tool or by separately.
  3. Enter a Description(Conditional) of the file.

C.  After selecting Complete from the dropdown click the Set All Statuses to apply the status to all attachments.

d.  You may use the Details button on each file to replace the file. This can be done up until ORS submits the proposal to the sponsor. Please coordinate this with your ORS reviewer.

3.  Use the Save button in the proposal footer to save your changes.



replacing an attachment

How to Replace Attachments:

Click on the Details button next to the attachment.

A. New File: Click the Choose File button and locate and select the file.

B. Click Save.